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Customer Services (4 articles submitted)
TheWebHostBiz Tech Support directories provide a listing of technical support, help desk, and call center service providers. Here read a range of articles covering a number of related topics.
Articles Name Author Posted Viewed Rating
Strategic Outsourcing: Testing the Outsourcing Waters and Staying Afloat Jenne Watson 10/01/2007 (6277 views)
Outsourcing Quiz: Cheap vs. Good Alex Polonski 10/01/2007 (7447 views)
Managing Outsourcing Relationships: Beating the Backlash Suresh Srinivasan 10/01/2007 (7796 views)
Is It Worth to Outsource? How One Can Outsource Wisely Alex Polonski 10/01/2007 (7575 views)
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