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The advantages of Cloud Application Control

By PritiSheti

According to researches, nearly 80 percent of employees that own mobile devices prefer using it to access corporate data, given that the technique is more flexible and enables them to work in real-time. In spite of the fact that accessing corporate data via mobile devices signifies potential security threat, legacy solutions were designed to combat the risk factors. This was way before the global explosion of web applications such as Dropbox, Facebook, etc. Since then, the market has not seen any major modifications to the web security system that could match pace with the large amount of cloud applications used regularly in business environment.

Organizations need to approach new, advanced web security solutions and do away with the traditional and ill-equipped solutions that fail to cope up with the modern requirements. As according to Gartner, 25% of organizations will secure access to cloud-based services with the help of cloud access security broker (CASB) platform. So even organizations need to take into account the modern techniques.

Cloud Application Control

To manage the substantial growth of cloud hosting solutions such as apps, data and cloud market, organizations need to go beyond the traditional web security concepts and consider cloud application control (CAC) capabilities. The security features needs to seal the basic gap between legacy security systems and CAC to secure our approaches of using the apps.

Cloud Application Control (CAC) has initiated a modern decree for the security domain. While CAC has proven beneficial to a greater extent, the method must track the user and their behavior. Furthermore, it must not restrict users from gaining access to cloud apps and services, but ensure security of both the user and corporate data while users access the data and applications.

Application control is basically a process that has control over input and output functions and the processing that ensure the input data is valid and functions to keep the systems and configurations secure all the time. The requirements of each organizations varies, depending on their requirements, but the aim is similar which to maintain data privacy and security used by users and transferred between applications. Few functionality that needs to be looked upon the CAC capabilities is to examine risk factors, audit and log all usage, and increase visibility when an issues occurs.

The service providers and organizations have a specific responsibility which is to offer them the latest approaches accessible and upgrade their web security techniques that can enable to secure against employees posting company`s confidential data on their feeds and transmitting them to other cloud applications. Cloud application adoption rate has grown significantly, service providers must engage their customers with CAC approach and educate them about its potential advantages.

About the author
Online Marketing Head at Web Werks.

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